Caring for Aging Pets: Helping Our Pets Age With Grace

Posted at August 8, 2019 in Blog by Slavy Daro

Caring for Aging Pets: Helping Our Pets Age With Grace By Jeff Werber, D.V.M.   Wouldn’t we all do everything we can to keep our aging pets with us for as long as possible?  Well, with good preventive care, and of course lots of love, we can hopefully make this happen. Caring for Older Pets Age is not a disease!!  Age is a condition that we need to prepare for, and deal with, as time passes us by.  I work with a number of rescue organizations, and am often shocked at the number of senior pets that are abandoned at shelters and rescue groups just because they were old! I had to say goodbye to 3 of our dogs over...

What Kind of Veterinarians Are There?

Posted at July 5, 2019 in Blog by Slavy Daro

By Brooke van Dyk What kind of veterinarians are there? How can you tell which vet is the right choice for your animal companions? Can you take your house pets to the same veterinarian as your horses and farm animals? What about reptile companions? Don’t worry -- Dr. Jeff Werber is here to answer all of your questions!  What Kind of Veterinarians Are There? There are five main types of veterinarians, and all play different but important roles in pet health and safety. Whether you have a house pet, a domesticated farm animal, or are using animal subjects in a laboratory, the kind of vet that you choose can make an impact on your pet's health and happiness. But how...

Hot Under the Collar: Reducing Heatstroke in Pets

Posted at July 3, 2019 in Blog by Slavy Daro

by Brooke Van Dyk   Are you addicted to running, even when it’s hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk? Do you power through the heat while you power-walk, regardless of how sweaty you get? Or are you simply looking out for your cat or dog, making sure that they get all the exercise they need? No matter what your reasons, summer exercise is an important tool for keeping you -- and your pets -- happy and healthy. But it’s important to consider the effects that all that sunshine can have on your pooch. Heatstroke in pets can be a serious issue, causing damage to your cat or dog’s health. All pets can suffer from overheating and dehydration....

Talk to a Vet Wherever you Are 24/7 With airVet

Posted at June 23, 2019 in Blog by Slavy Daro

by Corinna Underwood A Better Pet Care Solution Pet health issues can arise at any time, and an emergency vet is not always available, one wonders why a better pet care solution doesn't seem to exist. Perhaps an online veterinarian service would be the answer, but you need a vet in your network. Wouldn’t it be great to have access to pet behavior and health advice around the clock? Well, now you can thanks to airVet. How airVet Works With airVet you can contact a veterinarian on-demand from the comfort of your own home. The free airVet app enables you to contact your own vet or another fully-licensed in-network veterinarian so that you can get the advice you need right...

Angry Birds...In Real Life? Avoid Risks with Your Pet Birds

Posted at June 4, 2019 in Blog by Michael Levanduski

by Michael Levanduski   Birds are amazing and beautiful creatures and can make wonderful pets. While dogs and cats seem to get all the attention, birds are actually the third most popular pet in the country. Most people think of pet birds as these beautiful little creatures that sing lovely songs. While true, they can also get quite violent, if you’re not careful. What?  Where do you think the game “Angry Birds” got its name!? Whether you already have a pet bird, or you’re thinking about getting one, it is important to learn the potential dangers of birds…And how to keep yourself and your family safe. After all, you don’t want to be the next news article to read, “Pet...