Do Pets Dream?

Posted at December 25, 2019 in Blog by Lauren Lee

Do pets dream?  If you are a dog or cat owner, chances are you have wondered if your pets dream. If you've watched your pet sleep, you've seen him quiver, twitch, run in place, swat at phantoms, or even growl or snap during nightmares.  You probably already guessed it; the answer is yes. Like us, our companion animals dream while sleeping.      How Do We Know This? There are two main types of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and slow-wave sleep (SWS). Both slow-wave sleep and REM sleep are very similar in pets and humans. During this time, the brain processes information learned during the day. The REM or rapid eye movement stage of sleep refers to the...

Why Are Pet Noses Wet?

Posted at November 20, 2019 in Blog by Michael Levanduski

The cold, wet feeling of your pets’ nose can give you quite a surprise when they come up to give you a little sniff or a lick. Especially if you're not expecting it. Even pet parents who love their furry friends dearly often find the wet nose a little gross. While most people know that their dogs or cats noses should be wet, many don’t really understand why. A wet nose is important for the health of your pet, and we’ll explain why, here.   Why are Dog Noses Wet? A dog’s nose is kept wet by secreting a thin layer of mucus, which may be the primary source for the moisture. For most dogs, however, the mucus is heavily...

Six Signs of An Awesome Vet

Posted at October 17, 2019 in Blog by Corinna Underwood

Six Signs of An Awesome Vet  Awesome vets can be hard to find. Your fur baby is part of your family and you have the best doctors for your other family members, so you want an awesome vet for your pet. But there are so many vets out there, how can you be sure you’re choosing the right one? Here are six signs to help you make sure you select the right vet for your best friend. The Vet Clinic Comfort Zone The last thing you want if for your pet to get stressed out on a visit to the vet. It’s bad enough that she has to get shots, or her nails clipped without any added discomfort, so cleanliness...

What are Companion Animals & Are they Right for You?

Posted at October 17, 2019 in Blog by Michael Levanduski

You may be wondering what companion animals are and trying to figure out of they are right for you. Humans and animals have been providing companionship to each other for thousands of years. Only in recent decades have we begun distinguishing a companion animal from a service animal, or a house pet. Learning about these great animals, and what they can do for you, is the first step in determining if it makes sense for you to get one. Companion Animal vs Service Animal vs House Pets Defining terms is important whenever learning about a subject. Here we will be looking closely at companion animals, so it is good to know how these animals differ from service animals and house...