6 Ways to Take Care of your New Kitten

Posted at September 16, 2019 in Blog by Corinna Underwood

Kittens make adorable pets. If you’re planning on bringing one home, you’ll need to be prepared so that your new pet will be safe, healthy, and comfortable. Here are some tips to help your new kitten feel right at home with your family. [caption id="attachment_355" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Andrii Podilnyk, Unsplash[/caption] Time Your Homecoming Right You probably can’t wait to bring your new bundle of fur home. Make sure you give your pet enough time with her mother. Although you can bring a younger kitten home, 8 to 10 weeks is the best age as this gives her time to learn healthy habits while still in the litter. If you are rescuing a kitten, the situation may be different, and the...

6 Ways to Take Care of Your New Puppy

Posted at September 16, 2019 in Blog by Corinna Underwood

Getting a new puppy is an exciting time, whether the puppy is your first, or a new addition to your canine family. A young puppy is very vulnerable and will be completely reliant on you for the first few months of his or her life. Here are some tips to help make the transition from mother or shelter to your home as easy as possible. Get Your Puppy Settled in at Home Everyone in your family is going to be excited to meet your puppy for the first time but remember to allow his time to adjust to his new environment. Let him explore your home at his own pace and make sure he has a safe place to retreat...

Dangers of Feeding Pets Human Food

Posted at August 9, 2019 in Blog by Michael Levanduski

Feeding human food to pets is a common activity, and it is no surprise why. There are few things as fun as seeing how excited a dog gets when you offer them a nice slice of bacon from the table, or some other delicious treat. The fact is, however, that human food for pets isn’t just a bad idea, it can be downright dangerous. There are quite a few different dangers related to feeding pets human food, so make sure you read through a few of them before you toss your puppy that next snack. Some Human Food is Harmful to Your Pet’s Health Most people are aware that chocolate is bad for dogs and can actually make them quite...

Caring for Aging Pets: Helping Our Pets Age With Grace

Posted at August 8, 2019 in Blog by Slavy Daro

Caring for Aging Pets: Helping Our Pets Age With Grace By Jeff Werber, D.V.M.   Wouldn’t we all do everything we can to keep our aging pets with us for as long as possible?  Well, with good preventive care, and of course lots of love, we can hopefully make this happen. Caring for Older Pets Age is not a disease!!  Age is a condition that we need to prepare for, and deal with, as time passes us by.  I work with a number of rescue organizations, and am often shocked at the number of senior pets that are abandoned at shelters and rescue groups just because they were old! I had to say goodbye to 3 of our dogs over...

What Kind of Veterinarians Are There?

Posted at July 5, 2019 in Blog by Slavy Daro

By Brooke van Dyk What kind of veterinarians are there? How can you tell which vet is the right choice for your animal companions? Can you take your house pets to the same veterinarian as your horses and farm animals? What about reptile companions? Don’t worry -- Dr. Jeff Werber is here to answer all of your questions!  What Kind of Veterinarians Are There? There are five main types of veterinarians, and all play different but important roles in pet health and safety. Whether you have a house pet, a domesticated farm animal, or are using animal subjects in a laboratory, the kind of vet that you choose can make an impact on your pet's health and happiness. But how...