6 Ways to Take Care of your New Kitten

Posted at September 16, 2019 in Blog by Corinna Underwood

Kittens make adorable pets. If you’re planning on bringing one home, you’ll need to be prepared so that your new pet will be safe, healthy, and comfortable. Here are some tips to help your new kitten feel right at home with your family. [caption id="attachment_355" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Andrii Podilnyk, Unsplash[/caption] Time Your Homecoming Right You probably can’t wait to bring your new bundle of fur home. Make sure you give your pet enough time with her mother. Although you can bring a younger kitten home, 8 to 10 weeks is the best age as this gives her time to learn healthy habits while still in the litter. If you are rescuing a kitten, the situation may be different, and the...