At What Age Are Cats Considered Adults?

Posted at May 10, 2020 in Blog by Slava Darozhkin

It’s hard to say at what age cats are considered adults. Indeed, adult cats maintain a youthful appearance throughout their life that makes judging their age difficult to discern.

Pet Body Language - How to Understand Your Pet Better

Posted at March 6, 2020 in Blog by Corinna Underwood

Wouldn’t you just love to know what your pet’s thinking? Although dogs and cats cannot speak, they can communicate and if you understand your pet’s body language, it will go a long way to help you figure out what they’re thinking and feeling. Watching your dog’s or cat’s eyes, ears, tail and body position will give you lots of clues. Pet Body Language: Dogs   What does it mean when my dog yawns? If your dog starts yawning, it’s usually a sign that she’s trying to get rid of stress. If she’s yawning repeatedly while waiting in the vet’s office, she’s probably nervous.   What does it mean when my dog’s tail is raised? If your dog’s tail is straight...