The Hidden Dangers of Alcohol for Our Pets: Unveiling the Perils and Protecting Their Well-Being

Is alcohol dangerous for dogs? The easy answer, as Dr. Jeff says in this video, is yes. 

“You should not give your pets alcohol.”

Pets and alcohol

In this article, we unveil the hidden perils of alcohol for our beloved pets and shed light on why it should be kept far from their reach. 

Alcohol: A Dangerous Brew for PetsPets and alcohol


As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to understand that alcohol, in all its forms, is toxic to our four-legged friends. The seemingly innocent (core) ingredients found in alcoholic beverages, such as grapes and hops, are already known to be toxic to pets. This means that wine, beer, and other alcoholic drinks pose an additional layer of danger to our furry companions. While we may enjoy a glass of wine or a refreshing beer, it is vital to keep these beverages well out of our pets' reach.

Beyond Drinks: Unveiling Other Sources of Alcohol

Pets and alcohol

Here's a surprising fact: alcoholic drinks are not the sole source of alcohol that our animals can encounter. Unbaked yeast dough and boozy desserts can inadvertently find their way into the curious mouths of our furry friends. 

These innocent-looking treats contain alcohol, which can lead to similarly dangerous effects as consuming a regular alcoholic drink. It's important to be vigilant and keep all potential sources of alcohol away from our pets to prevent any harmful incidents.

The Hazards of Alcohol Consumption for Pets

Pets and alcohol

When our pets consume alcohol, whether intentionally or accidentally, it can have severe consequences on their health. Alcohol affects pets differently than it does humans due to their smaller size and unique physiology. 

Even small amounts of alcohol can result in toxic reactions, leading to symptoms such as: 

  • disorientation
  • vomiting
  • breathing difficulties
  • decreased coordination
  • in severe cases, even coma or death


The potential risks are significant, underscoring the importance of safeguarding our pets from alcohol consumption.

What to Do if Your Pet Consumes Alcohol:

If you suspect that your pet has ingested alcohol, call the pet poison control hotline at: (888) 426-4435

If you’re not sure about what’s going on with your pet, contact your veterinarian to seek professional guidance tailored to your pet's specific situation. They will provide essential advice and may ask you to monitor your pet closely or bring them in for a thorough examination. 

Time is of the essence when dealing with potential alcohol poisoning, so swift action is paramount to ensure the well-being of your furry friend.

Preventative Actions and Responsible Pet Ownership

Pets and alcohol

As responsible pet owners, it is our duty to protect our pets from the dangers of alcohol consumption. Keep all alcoholic beverages securely stored out of reach, and be cautious when preparing or consuming alcohol around your pets. 

Additionally, educate family members and guests about the risks and ensure they are mindful of their actions. By creating a safe environment and promoting responsible pet ownership, we can minimize the chances of accidental alcohol ingestion and safeguard our pets' health.


Alcohol, despite its widespread acceptance in human social settings, holds significant dangers for our beloved pets. From the toxic ingredients used in its production, such as grapes and hops, to the hidden perils lurking in unbaked yeast dough and boozy desserts, the risks are real and should not be taken lightly. 

Pets and alcohol

As pet owners, it is our responsibility to protect our furry companions by keeping all sources of alcohol away from their reach. If an accidental ingestion does occur, prompt action and veterinary guidance are essential. Let us embrace the role of responsible pet owners, ensuring that our pets are shielded from the toxic effects of alcohol and enjoying their lives in a safe and nurturing environment.