A Better Pet Care Solution
Pet health issues can arise at any time, and an emergency vet is not always available, one wonders why a better pet care solution doesn't seem to exist. Perhaps an online veterinarian service would be the answer, but you need a vet in your network. Wouldn’t it be great to have access to pet behavior and health advice around the clock? Well, now you can thanks to airVet.

How airVet Works
With airVet you can contact a veterinarian on-demand from the comfort of your own home. The free airVet app enables you to contact your own vet or another fully-licensed in-network veterinarian so that you can get the advice you need right away.

You can make a video call or send a message with photos or a video attached. No more worrying about whether or not to take your pet to the emergency vet; you can get answers to all your concerns.
Why You Need airVet
It’s happened to every pet parent; an issue suddenly pops up and you start to panic. Googling just doesn’t give you a satisfactory answer; you need to know now and your primary vet is closed. Should you call an emergency vet and risk paying for unnecessary charges?

Having airVet is like having your own personal veterinarian on-hand 24/7. You can make that call any time from anywhere and you will always get answers. Here are examples of some of the reasons people call airVet:
- My dog is licking his skin all the time. Should I worry?
- My cat has bad breath, is it a sign of illness?
- My puppy has small pink bumps in her mouth. Is this serious?
- My dog has been treated for kennel cough, but he still keeps coughing. What should I do?

- How can I get my dogs to eat their dry food?
- How can I help my cat pass a hairball?
- My dog had a vaccination today and is now vomiting, is this normal?
- Can I feed my pet homemade treats?
With airVet, no question is too big or too small.

How to Use airVet
airVet is designed to be completely user-friendly, and you will see how easy the following steps are to follow, once you've downloaded the app.
- Create a profile for your pet.
- Tell us what’s wrong.
- Talk to your own vet.
- Talk to a back-up vet, if yours isn't available.
- Follow up as needed with airVet chat.

airVet is the brainchild of Dr. Jeff, a veteran veterinarian, to create a stronger bond between animal healthcare givers and parents. Therefor, you are never alone, because when your own vet is unavailable, there is always another online vet to talk to.
How to Access airVet
Take the wonderfully short journey to your phone, and save yourself time, and your pet from a trip to the vet. Contact airVet any time of day or night. A vet is always standing by to give you peace of mind. You can download airVet for your iPhone or Android. Your first call is 100% free. Put your pet first and make airVet your first line of defense.

How to Reach Dr. Jeff Werber on airVet
For first time users, the app asks for an email or code.
- Choose CODE
- Enter CVG2019 - note, CVG is all caps.
After entering the code CVG2019, the app will ask you to register with your choice of username and email address. Enter it, and we will be waiting to help you there!
Visit Dr. Jeff Werber’s Instagram account (@werbs_dvm) to view and submit questions and answers on weekly AMAs – or call and leave a voicemail at 424-835-0576. Your call will be returned posthaste. For emergencies, download Dr. Jeff Werber’s app Airvet, a video-chat option for veterinary needs at any time of day or night!